How to Run a Board Meeting Well

pWhen board meetings run well they can become an integral part of moving your company towards its goals. However, running a board meeting isnt without its challenges. If your board meets face-to- face or virtual it is essential to prepare ahead, establish realistic time allotments for each agenda item, and adhere to a format that encourages discussion and participation.
pCall your board meetings to order. This is a quick method of ensuring that everyones present and ensures that you have sufficient quorum to hold the meeting (which varies based on your board size).
pFacilitate the conversation to ensure that every director gets equal airtime. This is especially important when discussing complicated or controversial issues. One or a few people dominating the discussion can limit the plurality of voices and can lead to rushed decisions that do not have board support.
pSet up a clear process to take decisions, including how to weigh the pros and cons of each idea. This will help keep the discussion focused and productive. If youre unable to reach a consensus think about using a voting method like a majority vote to get the job done.
pIts a good idea, as well, to determine specific actions items. This is a specific responsibility that is derived from the discussions and decisions made during the meeting. For instance, sourcing information for an idea or deciding on the next steps to implement a plan. Respecting your directors time and achieving the desired outcome is demonstrated by a href= nonprofit board software/a finishing on time.